33-1/3 Japan

I serve as the Series Editor for the new 33-1/3 Japan Series at Bloomsbury Publishing. The book series is patterned after Bloomsbury's 33-1/3 series and is part of the new 33-1/3 Global series.

Read more about 33-1/3 Japan on the 33-1/3 blog, 333sound.com:

Our books are:

The board of 33-1/3 Japan includes Marié Abe, Michael Bourdaghs, Shelley Brunt, Kevin Fellezs, Akitsugu Kawamoto, Yoshitaka Mōri, Dexter Thomas, and Christine Yano. 

To submit a proposal for the Japan series, please fill out this form and send it via email to info [at] norikomanabe [dot] com. Please include a sample chapter and a CV.  I encourage authors to discuss the proposal with me prior to submission; please send me an email at the address above.